
Hours in the Day

I've been working toward "doing less but doing it well" for some time. And yet new and shiny projects are always presenting themselves.

Must say no more often.

Must say no more often.

Must say no more often.

Must say no more often.

From Twitter 11-16-2010

  • RT @mforbeck: Perfect for NaNoWriMo: The Kindle edition of "Writing Fiction for Dummies" is available for free. http://amzn.to/bOSiDl
  • RT @guildwars: Are you a Web Designer and/or Developer? Want to work for ArenaNet? We have a couple of openings: http://cot.ag/aEL9YT ht ...
  • RT @fredhicks: I do not need to know this, but my contacts tell me there is a source for Gamma World singles: http://tinyurl.com/35fvu63
  • The #2E #dnd campaign has gotten lethal. Summoned Demogorgon for the SECOND time in tonight's session. . . . Really gotta stop doing that.

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